perl function read

The read function in Perl reads a specified number of bytes from a file or socket into a buffer.

Here is an example of how to use read to read a file:

open(my $file_handle, '<', 'example.txt') or die "Couldn't open file: $!";
my $buffer;
my $bytes_read = read($file_handle, $buffer, 1024); # Read 1024 bytes into buffer

if (defined $bytes_read) {
    print "Read $bytes_read bytes into buffer\n";
    # Do something with the buffer
else {
    print "Error reading file: $!\n";

In this example, we open the file 'example.txt' for reading using the open function. We then declare a buffer variable to hold the data read from the file, and specify that we want to read 1024 bytes from the file into the buffer using the read function.

If the read operation was successful, read will return the number of bytes read. We print a message indicating how many bytes were read, and then do something with the buffer. If there was an error during the read operation, read will return undef and set the $! variable to an error message. We print an error message indicating what went wrong. Finally, we close the file handle using the close function.