perl function msgget

In Perl, the msgget function is used to create a new message queue or get the identifier of an existing message queue. Here's an example that demonstrates how to use msgget:

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use strict;
use warnings;

my $key = IPC_PRIVATE;

# Create a new message queue or get the identifier of an existing message queue
my $msgid = msgget($key, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR);

# Check if the operation succeeded
if ($msgid == -1) {
    die "Failed to create message queue: $!\n";

print "Message queue identifier: $msgid\n";

In this example, we first define a variable $key that contains a unique identifier for the message queue. We then use the msgget function to create a new message queue or get the identifier of an existing message queue. The second argument to msgget specifies the permissions for the new message queue if one is created.

If msgget succeeds, it returns the identifier of the message queue, which we store in the variable $msgid. If the function returns -1, it means the operation failed, and we print an error message and exit the program.

Finally, we print the identifier of the message queue to the console. Note that this identifier is unique to the message queue and can be used to perform various operations on it using other functions, such as msgsnd and msgrcv.