perl function rewinddir


The rewinddir function in Perl is used to reset the directory handle to the beginning of the directory. This is useful when you want to start reading the directory contents again from the beginning.

Here's an example of using rewinddir:

opendir my $dh, "/path/to/directory" or die "Cannot open directory: $!";
while (my $filename = readdir $dh) {
    # do something with $filename
rewinddir $dh;
while (my $filename = readdir $dh) {
    # do something else with $filename
closedir $dh;

In this example, the opendir function is used to open a directory and create a directory handle $dh. The readdir function is used in a while loop to read the directory contents one file at a time. The loop does something with each filename.

After the loop, the rewinddir function is used to reset the directory handle to the beginning of the directory. Another while loop reads the directory contents again, and this time the loop does something else with each filename.

Finally, the closedir function is used to close the directory handle.

Note that rewinddir only affects the directory handle that it is called on. If you have multiple directory handles open, you need to call rewinddir on each one separately.