perl function msgsnd


The msgsnd function in Perl is used to send a message to a System V message queue.

Here's an example:


my $msgqid = msgget(12345, IPC_CREAT | S_IRWXU);

my $message = "Hello, world!";

# pack the message as a structure
my $msgbuf = pack("L! a*", length($message), $message);

msgsnd($msgqid, $msgbuf, 0);

In this example, we first create a message queue using the msgget function. The 12345 argument is the key used to identify the message queue. The IPC_CREAT and S_IRWXU flags are used to create the message queue if it doesn't exist and set the permissions on the queue.

Next, we create a message to send by packing it into a structure using the pack function. The message consists of a 4-byte length field followed by the actual message content.

Finally, we send the message using the msgsnd function, passing in the message queue ID, the message structure, and a 0 flag to indicate that the message should be sent with normal priority.