perl function kill


The kill function in Perl is used to send a signal to a process or a group of processes. It takes two arguments: the signal to send, and a list of process IDs to which the signal should be sent.

Here's an example that demonstrates how to use kill:


use strict;
use warnings;

# Get the process ID of the current script
my $pid = $$;

# Send a SIGTERM signal to the current process
kill 'TERM', $pid;

In this example, we start by using the special variable $$ to get the process ID of the current script. We then use the kill function to send a SIGTERM signal to the current process. The first argument to kill is the string "TERM", which represents the SIGTERM signal. The second argument is the process ID of the current script, which we obtained earlier and stored in the variable $pid.

Note that the signal sent by kill may not be delivered to the target process immediately, and the behavior of the target process in response to the signal is dependent on the signal being sent and the implementation of the process.