perl function import


The import function in Perl is used to load and import a module into a program. It is a built-in function that is automatically called by Perl when a module is loaded using the use keyword.

Here's an example that demonstrates how to use import:


package MyModule;

use strict;
use warnings;

sub hello {
    print "Hello, world!\n";

sub goodbye {
    print "Goodbye, world!\n";


use strict;
use warnings;

use MyModule;

# Call the hello function from MyModule

# Import the goodbye function from MyModule
use MyModule qw(goodbye);

# Call the goodbye function

In this example, we define a module called MyModule that contains two subroutines, hello and goodbye. We then create a script called that uses the MyModule module. We call the hello function from MyModule using the fully qualified function name MyModule::hello(). We then import the goodbye function from MyModule using the use keyword and passing goodbye as an argument to the use statement. This allows us to call the goodbye function without using the fully qualified function name.

Note that the import function is called automatically when a module is loaded using the use keyword, so you usually don't need to call it explicitly. However, some modules may provide an import function that can be used to customize the behavior of the module.