perl function system

The system function in Perl is used to execute a command as a system command, much like using the command line in a shell environment. The system function returns the exit status of the command executed.

Here's an example:

my $exit_status = system("ls -l");
print "Exit status: $exit_status\n";

In this example, the ls -l command is executed using the system function. The output of the ls -l command is displayed on the terminal, and the exit status of the command is assigned to the $exit_status variable. Finally, the exit status is printed on the terminal using the print function.

Note that the system function can also be used with a list of arguments instead of a single string command. For example:

my $exit_status = system("ls", "-l");
print "Exit status: $exit_status\n";

In this case, the ls -l command is passed as a list of arguments to the system function. The result is the same as in the previous example.