perl function pack

In Perl, the pack function is used to convert data into a binary representation. It takes a template argument, which specifies how the data should be packed, and one or more values to be packed according to that template.

Here is an example that shows how to use the pack function:

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my $str = pack("A5 A5 A5", "foo", "bar", "baz");
print $str;  # output: foo  bar  baz

In this example, we have a template string A5 A5 A5, which specifies that each argument should be packed as a string of length 5, padded with spaces if necessary. The three arguments "foo", "bar", and "baz" are passed to pack, and the resulting binary string is stored in $str.

We can also use pack to convert values of different types into a binary string. For example:

my $num = pack("i", 12345);  # pack an integer
my $float = pack("f", 3.14);  # pack a float
my $bool = pack("C", 1);  # pack a boolean (1=true, 0=false)

In this example, the i template is used to pack an integer value into a binary string. Similarly, the f template is used to pack a floating-point value, and the C template is used to pack a boolean value.

Note that the format string used by pack is similar to that used by the C printf function. However, there are some differences in the way that certain types are represented, so it is important to consult the Perl documentation for a complete list of supported templates.