Angularjs angular equals function

In AngularJS, the angular.equals() function is used to compare the equality of two objects.


refer t‮‬
angular.equals(obj1, obj2);

Where obj1 and obj2 are the two objects that need to be compared.

The angular.equals() function compares the properties of the two objects and their values recursively, and returns true if they are equal, and false otherwise.

For example, let's say we have two objects:

var obj1 = {
  name: "John",
  age: 30,
  address: {
    city: "New York",
    state: "NY"

var obj2 = {
  name: "John",
  age: 30,
  address: {
    city: "New York",
    state: "NY"

We can compare the two objects using angular.equals() like this:

var result = angular.equals(obj1, obj2);

In this example, result will be true because obj1 and obj2 have the same properties and values. If any of the properties or values are different, the angular.equals() function will return false.