Angularjs ng mouseleave directive


The ng-mouseleave directive in AngularJS is used to bind a function to the mouseleave event of an HTML element. This event is fired when the mouse pointer leaves the element.

Here is an example of using ng-mouseleave with a div element:

<div ng-mouseleave="onMouseLeave()">
  <p>Hover over me!</p>

In this example, the ng-mouseleave directive is used to call the onMouseLeave function whenever the mouse pointer leaves the div element. The div element contains a paragraph element that is used to display a message.

You can also use the $event object to access information about the mouseleave event, such as the target element or the mouse coordinates. Here is an example:

<div ng-mouseleave="onMouseLeave($event)">
  <p>Hover over me!</p>
$scope.onMouseLeave = function(event) {
  var target =;
  var x = event.clientX;
  var y = event.clientY;
  console.log('Mouse left the element at (' + x + ',' + y + ')');

In this example, the onMouseLeave function takes the $event object as an argument, which can be used to access the target element of the event, as well as the mouse coordinates. The function logs a message to the console with the mouse coordinates whenever the mouse pointer leaves the div element.

The ng-mouseleave directive is often used in conjunction with other directives, such as ng-repeat or ng-show, to perform actions when the mouse pointer leaves an element. For example, you might use ng-repeat to iterate over a collection of items, ng-show to show or hide elements based on a condition, and ng-mouseleave to perform some action when the mouse pointer leaves an element.