Angularjs expressions


AngularJS expressions are JavaScript-like code snippets that are evaluated within double curly braces {{ }} in the HTML templates of an AngularJS application. They are used to bind data to HTML elements, and to evaluate simple expressions.

AngularJS expressions can include any valid JavaScript expression, as well as some additional AngularJS-specific syntax. For example, the following expressions are all valid in AngularJS:

{{ 1 + 2 }} <!-- evaluates to 3 -->
{{ firstName + ' ' + lastName }} <!-- concatenates firstName and lastName -->
{{ || 'Guest' }} <!-- displays user name if available, otherwise 'Guest' -->
{{ show ? 'Yes' : 'No' }} <!-- displays 'Yes' if show is true, otherwise 'No' -->

AngularJS expressions can also access properties and methods on the current scope, as well as built-in AngularJS services and objects. For example:

{{ firstName.toUpperCase() }} <!-- converts firstName to uppercase -->
{{ myArray.length }} <!-- displays the length of myArray -->
{{ $http.get('/data.json') }} <!-- makes an HTTP request to retrieve data.json -->

AngularJS expressions do not support statements, loops, or conditional constructs. They are designed to be simple and lightweight, and are meant to be used for basic calculations and data binding.

It is important to note that AngularJS expressions are not full-fledged JavaScript expressions, and they have some limitations. For example, they cannot be used to declare variables or create complex logic. However, they are a powerful and flexible tool for building dynamic and data-driven web applications with AngularJS.