Angularjs angular iselement function


AngularJS does not provide an isElement() function out-of-the-box. However, you can use the angular.element function to create an instance of the jQuery or jQueryLite object and then use their is() method to check if an element matches a specific selector.

Here's an example of how to check if an element is an input element using angular.element() and jQueryLite:

var myElement = angular.element(document.querySelector('#my-input'));
if ('input')) {
  console.log('The element is an input element');
} else {
  console.log('The element is not an input element');

In this example, we use the angular.element() function to create an instance of jQueryLite. We then select an element with the querySelector() method and pass it to the angular.element() function to get a reference to the element.

We then use the is() method of the jQueryLite object to check if the element is an input element. If the element is an input element, we log a message to the console.

You can also use the jQuery object instead of jQueryLite if you have included the full jQuery library in your project. The jQuery object provides more advanced functionality than jQueryLite, but it also adds additional overhead to your application.