apache ivy introduction
Apache Ivy is a popular open-source dependency manager and module system that is used to manage dependencies and create builds in Java and other JVM-based languages. Ivy was created to simplify the management of dependencies in complex projects, allowing developers to easily manage and organize the libraries and frameworks that their project relies on.
Ivy works by using a configuration file, known as an Ivy file, to specify the dependencies required for a project. These dependencies can include libraries, frameworks, and other modules that are needed to build and run the project. Ivy then retrieves these dependencies from remote repositories and installs them in the project.
One of the key features of Ivy is its ability to resolve conflicts between different versions of dependencies. If two modules require different versions of the same dependency, Ivy will select the appropriate version based on a set of rules specified in the Ivy file.
Ivy can be used with a variety of build tools, including Apache Ant, Apache Maven, and Gradle. It is also compatible with a range of repositories, including Apache Maven Central and JCenter.