apache ivy retrieve
In Apache Ivy, the "retrieve" operation is used to download and copy a project's dependencies to a specified directory. The retrieved dependencies can then be used in a build or run-time environment.
To perform the retrieve operation, you can use the "ivy:retrieve" Ant task or the "ivy retrieve" command from the command line.
Here are the steps to perform the retrieve operation:
Create an Ivy configuration file (ivy.xml) that lists the dependencies you want to retrieve. You can specify the module name, revision, and artifact type for each dependency.
Run the retrieve operation by invoking the "ivy:retrieve" Ant task or the "ivy retrieve" command from the command line. You can specify the target directory where the dependencies should be copied.
Ivy will resolve the dependencies and download the required modules to the local cache.
Ivy will copy the downloaded modules to the specified target directory.
By default, Ivy will retrieve all of a project's dependencies and their transitive dependencies. However, you can also specify individual dependencies to retrieve by name or by configuration.
The retrieve operation is useful when you need to package a project and its dependencies for distribution, or when you want to create a self-contained runtime environment for the project. By retrieving the project's dependencies and copying them to a target directory, you can ensure that the project will run correctly in a different environment without relying on external dependencies.