apache ivy info
In Apache Ivy, the "info" operation is used to display information about a module and its dependencies. This operation can be useful when you need to inspect the details of a module or troubleshoot dependency resolution issues.
To perform the info operation, you can use the "ivy:info" Ant task or the "ivy info" command from the command line.
Here are the steps to perform the info operation:
Create an Ivy configuration file (ivy.xml) that lists the module you want to inspect.
Run the info operation by invoking the "ivy:info" Ant task or the "ivy info" command from the command line. You can specify the details you want to display, such as the module name, revision, dependencies, and their transitive dependencies.
Ivy will resolve the dependencies and display the requested information in the output.
The info operation can be used to troubleshoot issues with dependency resolution. If a module is not being resolved correctly, you can use the info operation to inspect the module's dependencies and their transitive dependencies. This can help you identify any conflicts or missing dependencies that may be preventing the module from being resolved correctly.
The info operation is also useful when you need to check the details of a module before using it in your project. By inspecting the module's dependencies, you can ensure that you are using the correct version of each dependency and that there are no conflicts or compatibility issues.