JavaScript(JS) string method - endswith


The endsWith() method is a string method in JavaScript that is used to check whether a given string ends with a specified substring or not.

Here is the syntax for the endsWith() method:

str.endsWith(searchString[, length])

Here, str is the original string you want to search in, and searchString is the substring you want to search for at the end of the str. The optional length parameter specifies the length of the string to search, and if not specified, it searches the entire string.

The endsWith() method returns a boolean value true if the string ends with the specified substring, and false otherwise.

Here is an example of using endsWith() method:

let str = "Hello World";
console.log(str.endsWith("World")); // true
console.log(str.endsWith("o")); // false
console.log(str.endsWith("o", 5)); // true

In the first console.log(), the endsWith() method returns true because the str ends with the substring "World". In the second console.log(), it returns false because the str does not end with the substring "o". In the third console.log(), it returns true because the str ends with the substring "o" within the first five characters of the string.