JavaScript(JS) math method - log1p

The log1p method in JavaScript's Math object returns the natural logarithm (base e) of 1 plus a given number. This method is more accurate than using Math.log(1 + x) when x is very small.

The log1p method takes one argument, which is the number to be used in the logarithmic calculation. If the argument is not a number or is less than -1, the result will be NaN.

Here's an example usage:

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const x = 0.00000001;
const log1pX = Math.log1p(x);
console.log(log1pX); // 9.999999327110847e-9

In the above example, the Math.log1p method is used to calculate the natural logarithm of 1 plus a very small number (0.00000001). The result, which is approximately 9.999999327110847e-9, is then logged to the console.