- JavaScript Methods Tutorial
- JavaScript Methods
- array
- JavaScript(JS) array method - concat
- JavaScript(JS) array method - constructor
- JavaScript(JS) array method - copywithin
- JavaScript(JS) array method - entries
- JavaScript(JS) array method - every
- JavaScript(JS) array method - fill
- JavaScript(JS) array method - filter
- JavaScript(JS) array method - find
- JavaScript(JS) array method - findindex
- JavaScript(JS) array method - flat
- JavaScript(JS) array method - flatmap
- JavaScript(JS) array method - foreach
- JavaScript(JS) array method - from
- JavaScript(JS) array method - includes
- JavaScript(JS) array method - indexof
- JavaScript(JS) array method - isarray
- JavaScript(JS) array method - join
- JavaScript(JS) array method - keys
- JavaScript(JS) array method - lastindexof
- JavaScript(JS) array method - length
- JavaScript(JS) array method - map
- JavaScript(JS) array method - of
- JavaScript(JS) array method - pop
- JavaScript(JS) array method - push
- JavaScript(JS) array method - reduce
- JavaScript(JS) array method - reduceright
- JavaScript(JS) array method - reverse
- JavaScript(JS) array method - shift
- JavaScript(JS) array method - slice
- JavaScript(JS) array method - some
- JavaScript(JS) array method - sort
- JavaScript(JS) array method - splice
- JavaScript(JS) array method - tolocalestring
- JavaScript(JS) array method - tostring
- JavaScript(JS) array method - unshift
- JavaScript(JS) array method - values
- built-in
- JavaScript(JS) built-in method - isfinite
- JavaScript(JS) built-in method - isNaN
- JavaScript(JS) built-in method - parseFloat
- JavaScript(JS) built-in method - parseInt
- function
- JavaScript(JS) function method - apply
- JavaScript(JS) function method - bind
- JavaScript(JS) function method - call
- JavaScript(JS) function method - length
- JavaScript(JS) function method - name
- JavaScript(JS) function method - toString
- math
- JavaScript(JS) math method - abs
- JavaScript(JS) math method - acos
- JavaScript(JS) math method - acosh
- JavaScript(JS) math method - asin
- JavaScript(JS) math method - asinh
- JavaScript(JS) math method - atan
- JavaScript(JS) math method - atan2
- JavaScript(JS) math method - atanh
- JavaScript(JS) math method - cbrt
- JavaScript(JS) math method - ceil
- JavaScript(JS) math method - clz32
- JavaScript(JS) math method - cos
- JavaScript(JS) math method - cosh
- JavaScript(JS) math method - exp
- JavaScript(JS) math method - expm1
- JavaScript(JS) math method - floor
- JavaScript(JS) math method - fround
- JavaScript(JS) math method - hypot
- JavaScript(JS) math method - log
- JavaScript(JS) math method - log10
- JavaScript(JS) math method - log1p
- JavaScript(JS) math method - log2
- JavaScript(JS) math method - max
- JavaScript(JS) math method - min
- JavaScript(JS) math method - pow
- JavaScript(JS) math method - random
- JavaScript(JS) math method - round
- JavaScript(JS) math method - sign
- JavaScript(JS) math method - sin
- JavaScript(JS) math method - sinh
- JavaScript(JS) math method - sqrt
- JavaScript(JS) math method - tan
- JavaScript(JS) math method - tanh
- JavaScript(JS) math method - trunc
- number
- JavaScript(JS) number method - epsilon
- JavaScript(JS) number method - isinteger
- JavaScript(JS) number method - issafeinteger
- JavaScript(JS) number method - max_safe_integer
- JavaScript(JS) number method - max_value
- JavaScript(JS) number method - min_safe_integer
- JavaScript(JS) number method - min_value
- JavaScript(JS) number method - nan
- JavaScript(JS) number method - negative_infinity
- JavaScript(JS) number method - positive_infinity
- JavaScript(JS) number method - toexponential
- JavaScript(JS) number method - tofixed
- JavaScript(JS) number method - tolocalestring
- JavaScript(JS) number method - toprecision
- JavaScript(JS) number method - tostring
- object
- JavaScript(JS) object method - assign
- JavaScript(JS) object method - create
- JavaScript(JS) object method - defineProperties
- JavaScript(JS) object method - defineProperty
- JavaScript(JS) object method - entries
- JavaScript(JS) object method - freeze
- JavaScript(JS) object method - fromEntries
- JavaScript(JS) object method - getOwnPropertyDescriptor
- JavaScript(JS) object method - getOwnPropertyDescriptors
- JavaScript(JS) object method - getOwnPropertyNames
- JavaScript(JS) object method - getOwnPropertySymbols
- JavaScript(JS) object method - getPrototypeOf
- JavaScript(JS) object method - hasOwnProperty
- JavaScript(JS) object method - is
- JavaScript(JS) object method - isExtensible
- JavaScript(JS) object method - isFrozen
- JavaScript(JS) object method - isPrototypeOf
- JavaScript(JS) object method - isSealed
- JavaScript(JS) object method - keys
- JavaScript(JS) object method - preventExtensions
- JavaScript(JS) object method - propertyIsEnumerable
- JavaScript(JS) object method - seal
- JavaScript(JS) object method - setPrototypeOf
- JavaScript(JS) object method - tolocalestring
- JavaScript(JS) object method - toString
- JavaScript(JS) object method - valueOf
- JavaScript(JS) object method - values
- string
- JavaScript(JS) string method - charat
- JavaScript(JS) string method - charcodeat
- JavaScript(JS) string method - codepointat
- JavaScript(JS) string method - concat
- JavaScript(JS) string method - endswith
- JavaScript(JS) string method - fromcharcode
- JavaScript(JS) string method - fromcodepoint
- JavaScript(JS) string method - includes
- JavaScript(JS) string method - indexof
- JavaScript(JS) string method - lastindexof
- JavaScript(JS) string method - length
- JavaScript(JS) string method - localeCompare
- JavaScript(JS) string method - match
- JavaScript(JS) string method - matchall
- JavaScript(JS) string method - padend
- JavaScript(JS) string method - padstart
- JavaScript(JS) string method - repeat
- JavaScript(JS) string method - replace
- JavaScript(JS) string method - replaceAll
- JavaScript(JS) string method - search
- JavaScript(JS) string method - slice
- JavaScript(JS) string method - split
- JavaScript(JS) string method - startswith
- JavaScript(JS) string method - substring
- JavaScript(JS) string method - tolowercase
- JavaScript(JS) string method - touppercase
- JavaScript(JS) string method - trim
JavaScript(JS) math method - pow
The pow
method in JavaScript's Math
object returns the base to the exponent power of a given number. The pow
method takes two arguments: the base and the exponent. The result of the pow
method is the value of the base raised to the exponent.
Here's an example usage:
const base = 2; const exponent = 3; const result = Math.pow(base, exponent); console.log(result); // 8
In the above example, the Math.pow
method is used to calculate 2
raised to the 3rd
power. The result, which is 8
, is then logged to the console.