Python built-in Method - import()


The __import__() method is a built-in function in Python that allows you to dynamically import a module at runtime. This function takes one or more arguments and returns the module object that was imported.

The syntax for __import__() is as follows:

__import__(name, globals=None, locals=None, fromlist=(), level=0)

Here are the parameters:

  • name: The name of the module to be imported. This can be a string containing the name of the module, or a list of strings for nested imports.
  • globals: An optional dictionary that represents the global namespace for the module being imported.
  • locals: An optional dictionary that represents the local namespace for the module being imported.
  • fromlist: An optional list of strings that specifies which modules to import from the module being imported.
  • level: An optional integer that specifies the depth of the package hierarchy to be traversed.

Here's an example of how to use __import__():

# Importing the math module dynamically
module = __import__('math')

# Using the module

In this example, we use __import__() to import the math module dynamically at runtime, and then use the pi and sin() functions from the module.

Note that while __import__() is a powerful tool for dynamically importing modules, it can be more complex to use than the standard import statement, and should be used with care.