- Python References Tutorial
- Python References
- built-in
- Python built-in Method - import()
- Python built-in Method - abs()
- Python built-in Method - all()
- Python built-in Method - any()
- Python built-in Method - ascii()
- Python built-in Method - bin()
- Python built-in Method - bool()
- Python built-in Method - bytearray()
- Python built-in Method - bytes()
- Python built-in Method - callable()
- Python built-in Method - chr()
- Python built-in Method - classmethod()
- Python built-in Method - compile()
- Python built-in Method - complex()
- Python built-in Method - delattr()
- Python built-in Method - dict()
- Python built-in Method - dir()
- Python built-in Method - divmod()
- Python built-in Method - enumerate()
- Python built-in Method - eval()
- Python built-in Method - exec()
- Python built-in Method - filter()
- Python built-in Method - float()
- Python built-in Method - format()
- Python built-in Method - frozenset()
- Python built-in Method - getattr()
- Python built-in Method - globals()
- Python built-in Method - hasattr()
- Python built-in Method - hash()
- Python built-in Method - help()
- Python built-in Method - hex()
- Python built-in Method - id()
- Python built-in Method - input()
- Python built-in Method - int()
- Python built-in Method - isinstance()
- Python built-in Method - issubclass()
- Python built-in Method - iter()
- Python built-in Method - len()
- Python built-in Method - list()
- Python built-in Method - locals()
- Python built-in Method - map()
- Python built-in Method - max()
- Python built-in Method - memoryview()
- Python built-in Method - min()
- Python built-in Method - next()
- Python built-in Method - object()
- Python built-in Method - oct()
- Python built-in Method - open()
- Python built-in Method - ord()
- Python built-in Method - pow()
- Python built-in Method - print()
- Python built-in Method - property()
- Python built-in Method - range()
- Python built-in Method - repr()
- Python built-in Method - reversed()
- Python built-in Method - round()
- Python built-in Method - set()
- Python built-in Method - setattr()
- Python built-in Method - slice()
- Python built-in Method - sorted()
- Python built-in Method - staticmethod()
- Python built-in Method - str()
- Python built-in Method - sum()
- Python built-in Method - super()
- Python built-in Method - tuple()
- Python built-in Method - type()
- Python built-in Method - vars()
- Python built-in Method - zip()
- dictionary
- Python dictionary Method - clear()
- Python dictionary Method - copy()
- Python dictionary Method - fromkeys()
- Python dictionary Method - get()
- Python dictionary Method - items()
- Python dictionary Method - keys()
- Python dictionary Method - pop()
- Python dictionary Method - popitem()
- Python dictionary Method - setdefault()
- Python dictionary Method - update()
- Python dictionary Method - values()
- list
- Python list Method - append()
- Python list Method - clear()
- Python list Method - copy()
- Python list Method - count()
- Python list Method - extend()
- Python list Method - index()
- Python list Method - insert()
- Python list Method - pop()
- Python list Method - remove()
- Python list Method - reverse()
- Python list Method - sort()
- set
- Python set Method - add()
- Python set Method - clear()
- Python set Method - copy()
- Python set Method - difference()
- Python set Method - difference_update()
- Python set Method - discard()
- Python set Method - intersection()
- Python set Method - intersection_update()
- Python set Method - isdisjoint()
- Python set Method - issubset()
- Python set Method - issuperset()
- Python set Method - pop()
- Python set Method - remove()
- Python set Method - symmetric_difference()
- Python set Method - symmetric_difference_update()
- Python set Method - union()
- Python set Method - update()
- string
- Python string Method - capitalize()
- Python string Method - casefold()
- Python string Method - center()
- Python string Method - count()
- Python string Method - encode()
- Python string Method - endswith()
- Python string Method - expandtabs()
- Python string Method - find()
- Python string Method - format()
- Python string Method - format_map()
- Python string Method - index()
- Python string Method - isalnum()
- Python string Method - isalpha()
- Python string Method - isdecimal()
- Python string Method - isdigit()
- Python string Method - isidentifier()
- Python string Method - islower()
- Python string Method - isnumeric()
- Python string Method - isprintable()
- Python string Method - isspace()
- Python string Method - istitle()
- Python string Method - isupper()
- Python string Method - join()
- Python string Method - ljust()
- Python string Method - lower()
- Python string Method - lstrip()
- Python string Method - maketrans()
- Python string Method - partition()
- Python string Method - replace()
- Python string Method - rfind()
- Python string Method - rindex()
- Python string Method - rjust()
- Python string Method - rpartition()
- Python string Method - rsplit()
- Python string Method - rstrip()
- Python string Method - split()
- Python string Method - splitlines()
- Python string Method - startswith()
- Python string Method - strip()
- Python string Method - swapcase()
- Python string Method - title()
- Python string Method - translate()
- Python string Method - upper()
- Python string Method - zfill()
- tuple
- Python tuple Method - count()
- Python tuple Method - index()
Python string Method - lstrip()
The lstrip()
method is a built-in string method in Python that returns a new string with leading whitespace characters removed from the left side of the string.
Here, string
is the string from which the characters should be stripped. The optional characters
parameter specifies the characters to be removed from the left side of the string. If no argument is passed to the lstrip()
method, it will remove all leading whitespace characters (spaces, tabs, newlines, etc.).
text = " Hello World " print(text.lstrip()) # removes all leading whitespaces print(text.lstrip(' H')) # removes all leading spaces and 'H' from the string
'Hello World ' 'e World '