Python built-in Method - all()


The all() method is a built-in function in Python that returns True if all elements in an iterable are True, and False otherwise. An iterable is any object in Python that can be looped over, such as a list, tuple, or set.

Here is the syntax for all() method:


where iterable can be any iterable object such as a list, tuple, or set.

Here are some examples of how to use all():

print(all([True, True, True]))  # Output: True
print(all([True, False, True])) # Output: False
print(all([]))                  # Output: True

In the first example, all elements in the list [True, True, True] are True, so the all() method returns True. In the second example, there is one element in the list [True, False, True] that is False, so the all() method returns False. In the third example, the list is empty, so the all() method returns True.

The all() method can be useful in situations where you need to check if all elements in an iterable meet a certain condition, for example when validating user input or checking the status of a group of sensors.