Java jstl core tag redirect


The JSTL <c:redirect> tag is used to redirect a user's browser to a different page or URL. This tag can be used to implement simple navigation or to redirect the user after a form submission.

The basic syntax for the <c:redirect> tag is as follows:

<c:redirect url="destinationUrl" />

The url attribute is used to specify the destination URL to which the browser should be redirected.

Here's an example that shows how to use the <c:redirect> tag to redirect the user to a different page:

<c:redirect url="/new-page.jsp" />

In this example, the user's browser will be redirected to a page called "new-page.jsp".

Note that the <c:redirect> tag should only be used for simple navigation, such as after a form submission. In most cases, it is better to use the <c:url> and <c:out> tags to generate links and URLs dynamically in your JSP pages. This allows your pages to be more flexible and maintainable, as you can change the destination URL in a single location rather than in multiple places throughout your code.