java future


In Java, the Future interface is part of the java.util.concurrent package and is used to represent the result of an asynchronous computation. It provides a way to check whether a computation is complete, retrieve its result, and cancel it if necessary.

The Future interface has two methods for retrieving the result of a computation: get() and get(long timeout, TimeUnit unit). The get() method blocks until the computation is complete and returns the result, while the get(long timeout, TimeUnit unit) method blocks for the specified time period and returns the result if the computation is complete within that time, or throws a TimeoutException if the timeout expires before the computation is complete.

Here is an example of using the Future interface to retrieve the result of an asynchronous computation:

ExecutorService executor = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor();
Future<String> future = executor.submit(() -> {
    // Perform some long-running task here
    return "Result";

// Do some other work while the task is running

try {
    String result = future.get();
    System.out.println("Result: " + result);
} catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException e) {


In this example, we create a new ExecutorService with a single thread and submit a task to it using the submit() method. The task returns a String result, which is wrapped in a Future<String> object.

We then do some other work while the task is running, and later retrieve the result of the task using the get() method on the Future<String> object. If an exception occurs during the execution of the task, the get() method will throw an ExecutionException.

Finally, we shut down the ExecutorService.

The Future interface provides a way to perform asynchronous computations and retrieve their results, but it can be limited in some cases. For example, it doesn't provide a way to cancel a running computation, and it can block the calling thread while waiting for the computation to complete. To address these limitations, Java provides additional abstractions such as CompletableFuture and CompletionStage, which build on top of the Future interface and provide additional functionality.