Infix Function Call Kotlin


In Kotlin, you can declare functions as infix functions, which allow you to call them using infix notation. Infix notation means that you can call the function using the function name, followed by the argument, followed by the object on which the function is called, all separated by spaces. Here's an example:

infix fun Int.multiplyBy(x: Int): Int {
    return this * x

fun main() {
    val result = 5 multiplyBy 10

In this example, we have defined an infix function called multiplyBy as an extension function of the Int class. The multiplyBy function takes one input parameter x of type Int and returns an Int value.

In the main function, we call the multiplyBy function using infix notation. We first provide the argument 10, and then we provide the object on which the function is called, which is 5. The multiplyBy function multiplies the argument 10 with the object 5 and returns the result 50. The result is then assigned to the result variable, and printed to the console.

The output of this program is:


Note that infix notation can only be used with functions that have a single input parameter.