android user interface controls


In Android, UI Controls are the building blocks of a user interface, and they allow users to interact with an application. There are several types of UI controls available in Android, each with its own set of characteristics and behavior.

Here are some key points to know about Android UI Controls:

  1. UI Controls are used to display and manipulate data in an Android application.

  2. UI Controls are defined in XML files, which are located in the res/layout directory of an Android project.

  3. There are several types of UI Controls available in Android, including TextView, EditText, Button, ImageButton, ImageView, ProgressBar, Spinner, CheckBox, RadioButton, Switch, and others.

  4. TextView is used to display text on the screen.

  5. EditText is used to allow users to enter text input.

  6. Button and ImageButton are used to trigger an action when pressed.

  7. ImageView is used to display images on the screen.

  8. ProgressBar is used to indicate progress for a long-running task.

  9. Spinner is used to display a dropdown list of items, from which the user can select one.

  10. CheckBox and RadioButton are used to allow users to select one or more options.

  11. Switch is used to allow users to toggle between two options.