android push notification
Android push notifications are a way for mobile apps to communicate with users even when the app is not actively running on their device. Push notifications are sent from a server to the user's device and displayed as a message in the notification tray or as a pop-up alert.
To implement push notifications in an Android app, the following steps are typically required:
Create a Firebase project and enable Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) for your app.
Add the necessary dependencies and configuration to your app's build.gradle file.
Set up a service in your app to handle incoming push notifications.
Request permission from the user to send push notifications.
Send push notifications from your server using the FCM API.
Handle incoming push notifications in your app and display them to the user.
It's important to note that push notifications should be used sparingly and only for important or time-sensitive messages. Overusing push notifications can lead to user annoyance and even uninstallation of the app.