Rust HashMap


In Rust, a HashMap is a collection of key-value pairs stored in a hash table data structure. HashMaps provide a way to quickly look up a value based on its corresponding key.

Here's an example of how to create and use a HashMap in Rust:

use std::collections::HashMap;

fn main() {
    // create a new HashMap with integer keys and string values
    let mut scores = HashMap::new();

    // insert key-value pairs into the HashMap
    scores.insert(1, "John");
    scores.insert(2, "Jane");
    scores.insert(3, "Bob");

    // get the value for a specific key
    if let Some(name) = scores.get(&2) {
        println!("Name of person with key 2: {}", name);

    // remove a key-value pair from the HashMap

    // iterate over the key-value pairs in the HashMap
    for (key, value) in &scores {
        println!("Key: {}, Value: {}", key, value);

In this example, we're creating a new HashMap called scores with integer keys and string values using the HashMap::new constructor. We're then inserting three key-value pairs into the HashMap using the insert method.

We're using the get method to retrieve the value for a specific key (2) and print it to the console using the println! macro. We're also using the remove method to remove the key-value pair with key 1 from the HashMap.

Finally, we're iterating over the remaining key-value pairs in the HashMap using a for loop and printing each key-value pair to the console using the println! macro.

HashMaps can store values of any type that implements the Eq and Hash traits, which means you can use custom types as keys as long as you implement those traits for them. Rust also provides a HashMap::with_capacity method for pre-allocating space for a HashMap if you know how many key-value pairs it will contain.

HashMaps in Rust provide a fast and efficient way to store and look up key-value pairs, making them useful in a wide range of applications.