C programming locale.h function - struct lconv *localeconv(void)

The C programming localeconv function is defined in the locale.h header file and is used to retrieve the numeric and monetary formatting information for the current locale. The localeconv function returns a pointer to a lconv structure, which contains the following fields:

  • decimal_point: A string containing the character used for the decimal point in numeric values.
  • thousands_sep: A string containing the character used to separate thousands in numeric values.
  • grouping: A string containing the grouping of digits in numeric values. This string contains a series of numbers that specify the number of digits in each group, separated by semicolons. For example, the grouping for the US locale might be "3;3;3;1".
  • int_curr_symbol: A string containing the international currency symbol for the current locale.
  • currency_symbol: A string containing the local currency symbol for the current locale.
  • mon_decimal_point: A string containing the character used for the decimal point in monetary values.
  • mon_thousands_sep: A string containing the character used to separate thousands in monetary values.
  • mon_grouping: A string containing the grouping of digits in monetary values, similar to grouping.
  • positive_sign: A string containing the character used to indicate a positive value in monetary values.
  • negative_sign: A string containing the character used to indicate a negative value in monetary values.
  • frac_digits: An integer specifying the number of digits after the decimal point in monetary values.
  • p_cs_precedes: A boolean value indicating whether the currency symbol should appear before or after the value in monetary values.
  • p_sep_by_space: A boolean value indicating whether a space should appear between the currency symbol and the value in monetary values.
  • n_cs_precedes: A boolean value indicating whether the negative sign should appear before or after the currency symbol in monetary values.
  • n_sep_by_space: A boolean value indicating whether a space should appear between the negative sign and the value in monetary values.
  • p_sign_posn: An integer specifying the position of the positive sign in monetary values. Possible values include 0 (surrounding the value), 1 (preceding the value), 2 (succeeding the value), and 3 (immediately before the currency symbol).
  • n_sign_posn: An integer specifying the position of the negative sign in monetary values, similar to p_sign_posn.

Here's an example usage of the localeconv function to retrieve the formatting information for the current locale:

#include <locale.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

int main() {
    // Get the formatting information for the current locale
    struct lconv *lc = localeconv();
    // Print the decimal point and thousands separator for numeric values
    printf("Decimal point: %s\n", lc->decimal_point);
    printf("Thousands separator: %s\n", lc->thousands_sep);
    // Print the international currency symbol and local currency symbol for monetary values
    printf("International currency symbol: %s\n", lc->int_curr_symbol);
    printf("Local currency symbol: %s\n", lc->currency_symbol);
    return 0;

In this example, the localeconv function is used to retrieve the formatting information for the current locale, and the decimal point, thousands separator, international currency symbol, and local currency symbol are printed to the console.