mvc folder structure ASP.NET MVC


The folder structure of an ASP.NET MVC application follows a specific convention that helps organize different parts of the application. Here is an overview of the folder structure of an ASP.NET MVC application:

  1. App_Data: This folder contains application data files such as databases, XML files, or text files.

  2. App_Start: This folder contains startup code for the application, including the code that runs when the application starts and configuration settings for the application.

  3. Content: This folder contains static files such as images, stylesheets, and client-side scripts that are used by the views in the application.

  4. Controllers: This folder contains the controllers that handle incoming requests and generate responses.

  5. Models: This folder contains the data models and business logic that are used by the application.

  6. Scripts: This folder contains client-side scripts such as JavaScript files.

  7. Views: This folder contains the views that generate the HTML response sent to the client. Views are organized into subfolders based on the controller that generates them.

  8. Areas: This folder contains subfolders that organize the application into distinct sections or modules.

  9. bin: This folder contains compiled code, including the application's DLLs and other dependencies.

  10. Global.asax: This file contains code that runs at application startup, and also handles application-level events such as error handling and session management.

  11. Web.config: This file contains configuration settings for the application, including settings for security, database connections, and other application settings.