htmlhelper hidden hiddenfor ASP.NET MVC

In ASP.NET MVC, the Hidden HTML helper method and its strongly-typed counterpart HiddenFor are used to create hidden input elements in a view.

  1. Hidden HTML helper:
    The Hidden HTML helper is a general-purpose helper method that creates a hidden input element in the view. Here is an example usage of Hidden:
@Html.Hidden("Id", Model.Id)

This will generate an HTML input element with the name "Id" and the value of Model.Id property. The input element will be hidden from view and won't be rendered in the HTML output.

  1. HiddenFor HTML helper:
    The HiddenFor HTML helper is a strongly-typed helper method that creates a hidden input element for a property of the model that is passed to the view. Here is an example usage of HiddenFor:
@Html.HiddenFor(model => model.Id)

This will generate an HTML input element with the name "Id" and the value of Model.Id property. The input element will be hidden from view and won't be rendered in the HTML output. The HiddenFor helper method uses lambda expressions to generate the name and initial value of the input element based on the model property that is passed to it.

Using HiddenFor is generally considered to be better practice than using Hidden because it provides stronger type checking and reduces the likelihood of runtime errors. Additionally, it helps to prevent against cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks by automatically encoding the input.