maven commands


Here are some commonly used Maven commands:

  1. mvn clean: This command removes all the build artifacts and compiled code from the previous build.

  2. mvn compile: This command compiles the source code of the project.

  3. mvn test: This command runs the unit tests for the project.

  4. mvn package: This command packages the compiled code into a JAR or WAR file.

  5. mvn install: This command installs the packaged artifacts into the local repository, making them available for other projects on the same machine.

  6. mvn deploy: This command deploys the packaged artifacts to a remote repository, such as Maven Central.

  7. mvn site: This command generates project documentation, such as JavaDoc or project reports.

  8. mvn clean package: This command performs a clean build of the project, compiling the source code, running tests, and packaging the code into a JAR or WAR file.

  9. mvn dependency:tree: This command displays the dependency tree of the project, showing all the dependencies and their transitive dependencies.

  10. mvn archetype:generate: This command generates a new Maven project from an archetype, a pre-defined project template.

These are just a few examples of the many Maven commands available. Maven commands can be customized with various options and flags, depending on the needs of the project.