maven deploy


The Maven deploy goal is used to deploy built artifacts (e.g. JAR, WAR, EAR, etc.) to a remote Maven repository. This goal is typically used after the package goal, which creates the built artifact.

To deploy an artifact, you need to configure the distributionManagement element in your project's pom.xml file to specify the URL of the remote repository where you want to deploy your artifact. Here is an example configuration for the distributionManagement element:


In this example configuration, there are two repositories specified: one for releases and one for snapshots. The id element is a unique identifier for the repository, and the url element specifies the URL of the repository.

Once you have configured the distributionManagement element, you can deploy the artifact to the remote repository by running the following command from the command line:

mvn deploy

This will build the project and deploy the artifact to the specified remote repository. Note that you must have the necessary credentials to deploy to the repository in order for this command to succeed.

Overall, the deploy goal is an important part of the Maven build lifecycle that allows you to deploy built artifacts to remote repositories for distribution to other developers or systems.