Java for each Loop


In Java, the enhanced for loop, also known as the "for-each" loop, is a convenient way to iterate over collections and arrays. It provides a simpler and more concise way to loop through the elements of a collection or array without using the traditional for loop with an index variable.

Here is the basic syntax of the for-each loop in Java:

for (element_type element : collection) {
    // code to execute for each element

In this syntax, element_type is the type of the elements in the collection, and element is a variable that represents each element in the collection. collection is the collection or array that you want to loop through.

Here is an example that uses the for-each loop to iterate over an array of strings:

String[] names = {"Alice", "Bob", "Charlie"};

for (String name : names) {

In this example, the for-each loop iterates over the names array, and assigns each element of the array to the name variable in turn. The loop prints each element of the names array for each iteration, resulting in the names "Alice", "Bob", and "Charlie" being printed to the console.

You can also use the for-each loop to iterate over collections such as ArrayList, LinkedList, HashSet, and HashMap. Here is an example that uses the for-each loop to iterate over an ArrayList of integers:

ArrayList<Integer> numbers = new ArrayList<>();

for (int number : numbers) {

In this example, the for-each loop iterates over the numbersArrayList, and assigns each element of the list to the number variable in turn. The loop prints each element of the numbersArrayList for each iteration, resulting in the numbers 1, 2, and 3 being printed to the console.