JavaScript(JS) JS remove all whitespaces from a text


To remove all whitespaces from a text in JavaScript, you can use the replace() method with a regular expression. Here's an example:

let text = "  This is some  text with   whitespace.  ";

let withoutWhitespace = text.replace(/\s/g, "");

console.log(withoutWhitespace); // Output: "Thisissometextwithwhitespace."

In this code, we define a string text that contains some whitespace characters. We use the replace() method with a regular expression /\s/g to replace all whitespace characters (including spaces, tabs, and line breaks) with an empty string "". The g flag in the regular expression tells replace() to perform the replacement globally (i.e., on all matches).

Finally, we print the modified string withoutWhitespace to the console using console.log(). The output should be the original string with all whitespace characters removed.