JavaScript(JS) JS work with constants


In JavaScript, you can declare a constant using the const keyword. A constant is a variable whose value cannot be changed once it has been assigned. Here's an example:

const PI = 3.14159;

In the above example, we declare a constant PI with the value 3.14159. Once the constant has been assigned a value, it cannot be changed.

You can use constants in your code to represent values that should not be changed, such as mathematical constants, configuration values, or any other value that should remain constant throughout the execution of your program.

Here are some best practices when working with constants in JavaScript:

  • Use uppercase letters to name constants. This makes it easy to distinguish constants from variables.
  • Declare constants at the top level of your code, outside of any functions or blocks. This makes them accessible throughout your code.
  • Only use constants for values that should not be changed. If a value may change, declare it as a variable instead.
  • Be aware that objects and arrays declared as constants can still have their properties or elements modified. If you want to prevent changes to an object or array, you can use the Object.freeze() method to freeze the object or array.