how to forward request from java servlet to jsp with data


To forward a request from a Java servlet to a JSP page with data, you can use the RequestDispatcher object provided by the Servlet API. Here's an example of how to do this:

  1. In your servlet, set any data you want to pass to the JSP page as an attribute of the request object. For example:
request.setAttribute("myData", myData);
  1. Create a RequestDispatcher object for the JSP page you want to forward the request to. You can do this using the getRequestDispatcher method of the ServletContext object, passing in the path to the JSP file. For example:
RequestDispatcher dispatcher = getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher("/mypage.jsp");
  1. Call the forward method of the RequestDispatcher object to forward the request to the JSP page. Pass in the request and response objects as arguments to this method. For example:
dispatcher.forward(request, response);
  1. In your JSP page, use the EL (Expression Language) to access the data you set in the servlet. For example:
<p>My data: ${myData}</p>

This will display the value of the myData attribute that you set in the servlet.

That's it! With these steps, you can forward a request from a Java servlet to a JSP page with data. The JSP page will have access to the data you set in the servlet, and can use it to generate the response.