Python Program - Trim Whitespace From a String


Here's a Python program that trims whitespace from a string:

# Define a string with whitespace
string = "   Hello, World!   "

# Trim whitespace from the beginning and end of the string
trimmed = string.strip()

# Print the original and trimmed strings
print("Original string: '{}'\nTrimmed string: '{}'".format(string, trimmed))

In this program, we define a string with whitespace at the beginning and end: " Hello, World! ". We then use the strip() method to remove the whitespace from the beginning and end of the string, producing the trimmed string: "Hello, World!".

Finally, we print both the original and trimmed strings using string formatting with the format() method.

If we run this program, the output will be:

Original string: '   Hello, World!   '
Trimmed string: 'Hello, World!'

Note that the strip() method only removes whitespace from the beginning and end of a string. If you want to remove whitespace from the beginning, end, and middle of a string, you can use the replace() method to replace all instances of whitespace with an empty string:

# Define a string with whitespace
string = "   Hello,    World!   "

# Remove all whitespace from the string
trimmed = string.replace(" ", "")

# Print the original and trimmed strings
print("Original string: '{}'\nTrimmed string: '{}'".format(string, trimmed))

This program produces the output:

Original string: '   Hello,    World!   '
Trimmed string: 'Hello,World!'