CSS 标签 :before 和 :after

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时间:2020-08-30 02:43:22  来源:igfitidea点击:

CSS label :before and :after


提问by Liondancer

I am learning CSS and I am having a bit of trouble recognizing properties and understanding some of the syntax. in the CSS below.

我正在学习 CSS,但在识别属性和理解某些语法时遇到了一些麻烦。在下面的 CSS 中。

.tabs nav li.tab-current:before,
.tabs nav li.tab-current:after {


I understand that tabs is a class and the nav liwith the class tab-currentwithin the tabsclass in html will be applied with the same CSS.

我知道选项卡是一个类,并且htmlnav litab-current中的tabs类将使用相同的 CSS。



        <div class="tabs">
                    <li class="tab-current">Hey</li>

However I'm not quite sure what :beforeand :afterrepresent. Could someone provide me with an example? Thank you


回答by lante

They set something after and before the element you are selecting. For example:


p:after {
    content: 'hi! im after';

p:before {
    content: 'hi! im before';

You will understand it better if you see this fiddle.


回答by Adjit

:beforeand :aftercreate pseudo elements as 'children' for the element they are applied to. They are often used for certain stylings, or error messages.


Fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/XjUM8/1/

小提琴:http: //jsfiddle.net/XjUM8/1/

div:before {
    content: "Before";
    background: red;

div:after {
    content: "After";
    background: blue;
    color: white;

You can also set them up to show up on hover


Fiddle : http://jsfiddle.net/XjUM8/2/

小提琴:http: //jsfiddle.net/XjUM8/2/

div:hover:before {
    content: "Before";
    background: red;

div:hover:after {
    content: "After";
    background: blue;
    color: white;

Also, take a look at MDN : Before& After

另外,看看 MDN: 之前之后

回答by Pierre-Adrien Buisson

:afterand :beforeare called pseudo-elements. They're used to inject some content to your DOM through the CSS.

:after并且:before被称为伪元素。它们用于通过 CSS 向 DOM 注入一些内容。

For instance, say you want to add an icon after every link that targets external websites (we'll assume that these links href all begin with "http://"). This would be a real pain in the neck to try and append this manually. Using the CSS pseudo-element :after, you can simply do something like this :

例如,假设您想在每个指向外部网站的链接后添加一个图标(我们假设这些链接 href 都以“http://”开头)。尝试手动附加它会很痛苦。使用 CSS 伪元素:after,您可以简单地执行以下操作:

a[href^="http://"]:after {

and bam ! You're good to go.


:afterand :beforeallow you to simply inject some text or image, but they can also be used in many creative ways.


Beware though, they can be applied to anything except "replaced elements" : this means that you won't be able to use those pseudo-elements on tags such as <input>, <textarea>, <object>, <img>, etc.


回答by ntgCleaner

:beforeand :afterare CSS Selectors that allow you to add content before or after the element in question. An example is of adding an arrow after a link to show progress:

:before:after是 CSS 选择器,允许您在相关元素之前或之后添加内容。一个例子是在链接后添加一个箭头来显示进度:



<div class="testAfter"><a>Arrow After this link</a></div>
<div class="testBefore"><a>Arrow Before this link</a></div>




Fiddle to show: http://jsfiddle.net/yPkVL/1/

小提琴显示:http: //jsfiddle.net/yPkVL/1/

You can add all kinds of things; images, text, etc. You can style them and add different positionings. You can do all kinds of things. It's like adding an extra div before or after the div in question without having to change the HTML markup.

你可以添加各种东西;图像、文本等。您可以设置它们的样式并添加不同的定位。你可以做各种各样的事情。这就像在有问题的 div 之前或之后添加一个额外的 div 而不必更改 HTML 标记。





回答by Anindya Basu

The W3School explains it pretty well, did you read that up and not understand something?


Essentially what it means is you're going to insert whatever is in the :before area before what content is already in there, and the :after after the content.

本质上,这意味着您将插入 :before 区域中已有内容之前的任何内容,以及内容之后的 :after 区域。

:before and :after are selectors, they're used to select what you want to style.

:before 和 :after 是选择器,它们用于选择你想要的样式。

The example on w3schools is as follows:

w3schools 上例子如下

<!DOCTYPE html>
        content:"Read this -";

    <p>My name is Donald</p>
    <p>I live in Ducksburg</p>

    <p><b>Note:</b> For ::before to work in IE8, a DOCTYPE must be declared.</p>


What this does is print out: Read this - My name is Donaldand Read this - I live in Duksburg

这样做是打印出来: Read this - My name is DonaldRead this - I live in Duksburg

After will esentially do the same thing.


There are