CSS :nth-letter 伪元素不起作用

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时间:2020-08-30 02:43:08  来源:igfitidea点击:

:nth-letter pseudo-element is not working


提问by Michael Schwark

as I build a site for my bakery I would like to make a fancy headline triggering the color for each letter. So I could make use of span but this is exhausting. I wanted to use :first-letteror respectively :first-charbut nothing works. Does anyone of you have an idea how to do it?


Thanks and Saludos!


h4 {
  font-size: 100px;
  margin-bottom: 20px;
  margin-top: 0;
  padding: 0px;
  font-family: "Tangerine", cursive;
  font-weight: normal;

h4:nth-letter(2) {
  color: #06c !important;

h4:nth-letter(3) {
  color: #c9c !important;

回答by Jukka K. Korpela

There is no :nth-letterpseudo-element (and no :first-char) in CSS. The :first-letterpseudo-element (which the question mentions in the title and in the prose but does not use in the code) works, but to color other letters, you mustwrap each of them in an element of its own, normally span.

CSS 中没有:nth-letter伪元素(也没有:first-char)。该:first-letter伪元素(这问题提到在标题和散文,但在代码中不使用)的作品,但其他颜色的字母,你必须换他们每个人在自己的元素,正常span

回答by Flavien Volken

You must be using the js nth-everything-css to enable your browser to support nth-letter feature.

您必须使用 js nth-everything-css 才能使您的浏览器支持第 n 个字母功能。

Here's some information on the nth-everythingconcept(or wish-list), and here (more importantly) is a concrete implementationand exampleof some of those wishes.


Here's the code from codepen(somewhat mooshed) but working.



<script type="text/javascript" src="https://nt4.com/js/jquery"></script>
(function($) {
  $.fn.nthEverything = function() {
    var styleSuffix = "-nthEvery",
      cssPattern = /\s*(.*?)\s*\{(.*?)\}/g,
      cssComments = /\s*(?!<")\/\*[^\*]+\*\/(?!")\s*/gm,
      partsPattern = /([^:]+)/g,
      nthPattern = /(\w*)-(\w*)(\((even|odd|[\+-n\d]{1,6})\))?/,
      count, parsedStyleMap = {}, genCSS = '',
      runPeriods = function(period, className, a, length, offset) {
        var inBy = 0, sAt = Number(period), n, zB, zE, bF, eF, oldN = -1;
        if (period === 'odd' || period === 'even') {
          sAt = (period === 'odd') ? 1 : 2;
          inBy = 2;
        } else if (/^\d+$/.test(period)) {
          sAt = period - offset, inBy = 0;
        } else {
          zB = (/^(\+|-)?\d+/).exec(period);
          zE = (/(\+|-)?\d+$/).exec(period);
          sAt = (zE) ? Number(zE[0]) : 1;
          inBy = (zB) ? Number(zB[0]) : 1;
          bF = (zB) ? zB.length - 1 : 0;
          eF = (zE) ? zE.length : 0;
          if ((period.substr(bF, period.length - eF - bF).charAt(0)) === '-')
            inBy *= -1;
        // Start index at 0;
        for (n = --sAt; n < length; n += inBy) {
          if (n < 0 || n === oldN) break;
          if (a[n] == null) a[n] = className;
          else a[n] += " " + className;
          oldN = n;
      }, createSpan = function(className, content) {
        return '<span class="' + className + '">' + content + '</span>';
      }, processPeriod = function(classNames, textArray) {
        var newText = '', n, className;
        for (n = 0; n < classNames.length; n++) {
          className = classNames[n];
          if (className == null) newText += textArray[n];
          else newText += createSpan(className, textArray[n]);
        return newText;
      }, prepareTxt = {
        letter: function(text) {
          return text.split('');
      }, pseudoFunc = {
        first: {}, last: {}, nth: {
          letter: function(period) {
            return period;
      }, loopRecursive = function(contents, allText, parsedStyle) {
        var func = parsedStyle.func,
          text, length, classNames, className, cat, period;
        contents.each(function() {
          if (this.nodeType === 1) {
            loopRecursive($(this).contents(), allText, parsedStyle);
          } else if (this.nodeType === 3) {
            text = prepareTxt[func](this.nodeValue);
            length = text.length;
            classNames = new Array(length);
            for (var i = 0; i < parsedStyle.period.length; i++) {
              className = parsedStyle.className[i];
              cat = parsedStyle.cat[i];
              period = parsedStyle.period[i];
              runPeriods(pseudoFunc[cat][func](period, allText, length), className, classNames, length, count);
            $(this).replaceWith(processPeriod(classNames, text));
            count += length;
        return count;
      }, parse = function(css) {
        var matches, nthMatch, nthFound = false,
          i, thisPeriod, selectors, style, selector, parts, nth, pseudo, cat, func, period, normSelector, ident, className;
        css = css.replace(cssComments, '').replace(/\n|\r/g, '');
        while ((matches = cssPattern.exec(css)) !== null) {
          selectors = matches[1].split(',');
          style = matches[2];
          for (i = 0; i < selectors.length; i++) {
            selector = selectors[i];
            parts = selector.match(partsPattern);
            selector = parts.shift();
            nth = parts.shift();
            pseudo = (parts.length !== 0) ? ':' + parts.join(':') : '';
            if ((nthMatch = nthPattern.exec(nth)) !== null) {
              nthFound = true;
              cat = nthMatch[1];
              func = nthMatch[2];
              period = (nthMatch[4] != null) ? nthMatch[4] : cat + func;
              normSelector = selector.replace('#', 'id').replace('.', 'class');
              ident = normSelector + func;
              className = normSelector + cat + func + period + styleSuffix;
              if ((thisPeriod = parsedStyleMap[ident]) != null) {
              } else {
                parsedStyleMap[ident] = {
                  element: selector,
                  func: func,
                  className: [className],
                  cat: [cat],
                  period: [period],
                  style: [style],
                  pseudo: [pseudo]
            } else if (nthFound === true) {
              genCSS += selector + "{" + style + "}";
      }, applyStyles = function() {
        var id, parsedStyle, b;
        for (id in parsedStyleMap) {
          parsedStyle = parsedStyleMap[id];
          func = parsedStyle.func;
          $(parsedStyle.element).each(function() {
            var $this = $(this); count = 0;
            loopRecursive($this.contents(), $this.text(), parsedStyle);
          for (b = 0; b < parsedStyle.className.length; b++)
            genCSS += "." + parsedStyle.className[b] + parsedStyle.pseudo[b] + "{" + parsedStyle.style[b] + "}";
        $('<style>' + genCSS + '</style>').appendTo('head');
    $('link[rel=stylesheet],style').each(function() {
      if ($(this).is('link')) $.get(this.href).success(function(css) { parse(css); });
      else parse($(this).text());
    }); applyStyles();
$(function() {
<p id="letters">Hover a red letter. Cool, hu?</p>

回答by GCallie

Works fine when using ::first-letter.

使用 ::first-letter 时效果很好。

Check thisfiddle http://jsfiddle.net/n7s75/


h4 {
  font-family:'Tangerine', cursive;

h4:first-letter {
  color:#06C !important;   