apache derby delete data


To delete data from a table in Apache Derby, you can use the DELETE statement. Here is the basic syntax:

DELETE FROM table_name
WHERE condition;

Here is an example of deleting data from a table in Apache Derby:

DELETE FROM students
WHERE age < 18;

In this example, we are deleting all rows from the students table where the age column is less than 18. The WHERE clause is used to specify which rows should be deleted.

You can also delete all rows from a table by omitting the WHERE clause, like this:

DELETE FROM students;

This statement deletes all rows from the students table.

It's important to be careful when deleting data from a table, as it can have a significant impact on your data integrity and application behavior. Always make sure to test your delete statements on a copy of your data before running them on your live database. Consider taking a backup of your data before executing the delete statement to have a restore point in case of accidental deletion.