C# 编写重试逻辑的最简洁方法?
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Cleanest way to write retry logic?
提问by noctonura
Occasionally I have a need to retry an operation several times before giving up. My code is like:
int retries = 3;
while(true) {
try {
break; // success!
} catch {
if(--retries == 0) throw;
else Thread.Sleep(1000);
I would like to rewrite this in a general retry function like:
Is it possible in C#? What would be the code for the TryThreeTimes()
在 C# 中可能吗?该TryThreeTimes()
采纳答案by LBushkin
Blanket catch statements that simply retry the same call can be dangerous if used as a general exception handling mechanism. Having said that, here's a lambda-based retry wrapper that you can use with any method. I chose to factor the number of retries and the retry timeout out as parameters for a bit more flexibility:
如果用作一般异常处理机制,简单地重试相同调用的一揽子 catch 语句可能是危险的。话虽如此,这里有一个基于 lambda 的重试包装器,您可以将其用于任何方法。我选择将重试次数和重试超时作为参数考虑,以获得更大的灵活性:
public static class Retry
public static void Do(
Action action,
TimeSpan retryInterval,
int maxAttemptCount = 3)
Do<object>(() =>
return null;
}, retryInterval, maxAttemptCount);
public static T Do<T>(
Func<T> action,
TimeSpan retryInterval,
int maxAttemptCount = 3)
var exceptions = new List<Exception>();
for (int attempted = 0; attempted < maxAttemptCount; attempted++)
if (attempted > 0)
return action();
catch (Exception ex)
throw new AggregateException(exceptions);
You can now use this utility method to perform retry logic:
Retry.Do(() => SomeFunctionThatCanFail(), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1));
Retry.Do(SomeFunctionThatCanFail, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1));
int result = Retry.Do(SomeFunctionWhichReturnsInt, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), 4);
Or you could even make an async
回答by Mark P Neyer
public delegate void ThingToTryDeletage();
public static void TryNTimes(ThingToTryDelegate, int N, int sleepTime)
} catch {
if( --N == 0) throw;
else Thread.Sleep(time);
回答by Drew Noakes
public void TryThreeTimes(Action action)
var tries = 3;
while (true) {
try {
break; // success!
} catch {
if (--tries == 0)
Then you would call:
...or alternatively...
TryThreeTimes(() => DoSomethingElse(withLocalVariable));
A more flexible option:
public void DoWithRetry(Action action, TimeSpan sleepPeriod, int tryCount = 3)
if (tryCount <= 0)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(tryCount));
while (true) {
try {
break; // success!
} catch {
if (--tryCount == 0)
To be used as:
DoWithRetry(DoSomething, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2), tryCount: 10);
A more modern version with support for async/await:
支持 async/await 的更现代版本:
public async Task DoWithRetryAsync(Func<Task> action, TimeSpan sleepPeriod, int tryCount = 3)
if (tryCount <= 0)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(tryCount));
while (true) {
try {
await action();
return; // success!
} catch {
if (--tryCount == 0)
await Task.Delay(sleepPeriod);
To be used as:
await DoWithRetryAsync(DoSomethingAsync, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2), tryCount: 10);
回答by csharptest.net
You might also consider adding the exception type you want to retry for. For instance is this a timeout exception you want to retry? A database exception?
RetryForExcpetionType(DoSomething, typeof(TimeoutException), 5, 1000);
public static void RetryForExcpetionType(Action action, Type retryOnExceptionType, int numRetries, int retryTimeout)
if (action == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("action");
if (retryOnExceptionType == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("retryOnExceptionType");
while (true)
catch(Exception e)
if (--numRetries <= 0 || !retryOnExceptionType.IsAssignableFrom(e.GetType()))
if (retryTimeout > 0)
You might also note that all of the other examples have a similar issue with testing for retries == 0 and either retry infinity or fail to raise exceptions when given a negative value. Also Sleep(-1000) will fail in the catch blocks above. Depends on how 'silly' you expect people to be but defensive programming never hurts.
您可能还注意到,所有其他示例在测试重试 == 0 时都有类似的问题,并且在给定负值时重试无穷大或无法引发异常。Sleep(-1000) 也会在上面的 catch 块中失败。取决于您期望人们有多“愚蠢”,但防御性编程永远不会受到伤害。
回答by mike
Or how about doing it a bit neater....
int retries = 3;
while (retries > 0)
if (DoSomething())
retries = 0;
I believe throwing exceptions should generally be avoided as a mechanism unless your a passing them between boundaries (such as building a library other people can use). Why not just have the DoSomething()
command return true
if it was successful and false
EDIT:And this can be encapsulated inside a function like others have suggested as well. Only problem is if you are not writing the DoSomething()
function yourself
回答by Robert Rossney
I'd implement this:
public static bool Retry(int maxRetries, Func<bool, bool> method)
while (maxRetries > 0)
if (method(maxRetries == 1))
return true;
return false;
I wouldn't use exceptions the way they're used in the other examples. It seems to me that if we're expecting the possibility that a method won't succeed, its failure isn't an exception. So the method I'm calling should return true if it succeeded, and false if it failed.
我不会像在其他示例中那样使用异常。在我看来,如果我们期待一个方法不会成功的可能性,那么它的失败也不例外。所以我调用的方法应该在成功时返回 true,如果失败则返回 false。
Why is it a Func<bool, bool>
and not just a Func<bool>
? So that if I wanta method to be able to throw an exception on failure, I have a way of informing it that this is the last try.
为什么它是 aFunc<bool, bool>
而不仅仅是 a Func<bool>
So I might use it with code like:
Retry(5, delegate(bool lastIteration)
// do stuff
if (!succeeded && lastIteration)
throw new InvalidOperationException(...)
return succeeded;
if (!Retry(5, delegate(bool lastIteration)
// do stuff
return succeeded;
Console.WriteLine("Well, that didn't work.");
If passing a parameter that the method doesn't use proves to be awkward, it's trivial to implement an overload of Retry
that just takes a Func<bool>
as well.
只需要 a的重载是微不足道的Func<bool>
回答by Eric Lippert
This is possibly a bad idea. First, it is emblematic of the maxim "the definition of insanity is doing the same thing twice and expecting different results each time". Second, this coding pattern does not compose well with itself. For example:
Suppose your network hardware layer resends a packet three times on failure, waiting, say, a second between failures.
Now suppose the software layer resends an notification about a failure three times on packet failure.
现在假设软件层在数据包失败时重新发送有关失败的通知 3 次。
Now suppose the notification layer reactivates the notification three times on an notification delivery failure.
现在假设通知层在通知传递失败时重新激活通知 3 次。
Now suppose the error reporting layer reactivates the notification layer three times on a notification failure.
现在假设错误报告层在通知失败时重新激活通知层 3 次。
And now suppose the web server reactivates the error reporting three times on error failure.
现在假设 Web 服务器在错误失败时重新激活错误报告 3 次。
And now suppose the web client resends the request three times upon getting an error from the server.
现在假设 Web 客户端在从服务器收到错误时重新发送请求 3 次。
Now suppose the line on the network switch that is supposed to route the notification to the administrator is unplugged. When does the user of the web client finally get their error message? I make it at about twelve minutes later.
现在假设应该将通知路由到管理员的网络交换机上的线路已拔掉。Web 客户端的用户何时最终收到他们的错误消息?我在大约十二分钟后完成。
Lest you think this is just a silly example: we have seen this bug in customer code, though far, far worse than I've described here. In the particular customer code, the gap between the error condition happening and it finally being reported to the user was several weeksbecause so many layers were automatically retrying with waits. Just imagine what would happen if there were tenretries instead of three.
免得您认为这只是一个愚蠢的例子:我们已经在客户代码中看到了这个错误,尽管比我在这里描述的要糟糕得多。在特定的客户代码中,发生错误情况和最终报告给用户之间的间隔是几周,因为很多层都在等待自动重试。试想一下,如果重试次数为10 次而不是3 次会发生什么。
Usually the right thing to do with an error condition is report it immediately and let the user decide what to do.If the user wants to create a policy of automatic retries, let them create that policy at the appropriate level in the software abstraction.
回答by Brian
Allowing for functions and retry messages
public static T RetryMethod<T>(Func<T> method, int numRetries, int retryTimeout, Action onFailureAction)
Guard.IsNotNull(method, "method");
T retval = default(T);
retval = method();
return retval;
if (numRetries <= 0) throw; // improved to avoid silent failure
} while (numRetries-- > 0);
return retval;
回答by Igor Pashchuk
Building on the previous work, I thought about enhancing the retry logic in three ways:
- Specifying what exception type to catch/retry. This is the primary enhacement as retrying for any exception is just plain wrong.
- Not nesting the last try in a try/catch, achieving slightly better performance
Making it an
extension methodstatic class ActionExtensions { public static void InvokeAndRetryOnException<T> (this Action action, int retries, TimeSpan retryDelay) where T : Exception { if (action == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("action"); while( retries-- > 0 ) { try { action( ); return; } catch (T) { Thread.Sleep( retryDelay ); } } action( ); } }
- 指定要捕获/重试的异常类型。这是主要的增强,因为重试任何异常都是完全错误的。
- 不在 try/catch 中嵌套最后一次尝试,从而获得稍微更好的性能
扩展方法static class ActionExtensions { public static void InvokeAndRetryOnException<T> (this Action action, int retries, TimeSpan retryDelay) where T : Exception { if (action == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("action"); while( retries-- > 0 ) { try { action( ); return; } catch (T) { Thread.Sleep( retryDelay ); } } action( ); } }
The method can then be invoked like so (anonymous methods can be used as well, of course):
new Action( AMethodThatMightThrowIntermittentException )
.InvokeAndRetryOnException<IntermittentException>( 2, TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 1 ) );
回答by Paolo Sanchi
I had the need to pass some parameter to my method to retry, and have a result value; so i need an expression.. I build up this class that does the work (it is inspired to the the LBushkin's one) you can use it like this:
我需要将一些参数传递给我的方法来重试,并有一个结果值;所以我需要一个表达式..我建立了这个完成工作的类(它受到 LBushkin 的启发)你可以像这样使用它:
static void Main(string[] args)
// one shot
var res = Retry<string>.Do(() => retryThis("try"), 4, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2), fix);
// delayed execute
var retry = new Retry<string>(() => retryThis("try"), 4, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2), fix);
var res2 = retry.Execute();
static void fix()
Console.WriteLine("oh, no! Fix and retry!!!");
static string retryThis(string tryThis)
Console.WriteLine("Let's try!!!");
throw new Exception(tryThis);
public class Retry<TResult>
Expression<Func<TResult>> _Method;
int _NumRetries;
TimeSpan _RetryTimeout;
Action _OnFailureAction;
public Retry(Expression<Func<TResult>> method, int numRetries, TimeSpan retryTimeout, Action onFailureAction)
_Method = method;
_NumRetries = numRetries;
_OnFailureAction = onFailureAction;
_RetryTimeout = retryTimeout;
public TResult Execute()
TResult result = default(TResult);
while (_NumRetries > 0)
result = _Method.Compile()();
if (_NumRetries <= 0) throw; // improved to avoid silent failure
return result;
public static TResult Do(Expression<Func<TResult>> method, int numRetries, TimeSpan retryTimeout, Action onFailureAction)
var retry = new Retry<TResult>(method, numRetries, retryTimeout, onFailureAction);
return retry.Execute();
ps. the LBushkin's solution does one more retry =D
附:LBushkin 的解决方案再重试一次 =D