java linkedblockingqueue example

LinkedBlockingQueue is a class provided by Java's concurrency utilities that implements the BlockingQueue interface and is used to hold a collection of elements. It is similar to a regular Queue or LinkedList, but with the added functionality of blocking on both put() and take() operations.

Here's an example of how to use LinkedBlockingQueue in Java:

  1. Creating a LinkedBlockingQueue with a capacity of 10 elements:
LinkedBlockingQueue<String> queue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<>(10);
  1. Adding elements to the queue:
  1. Accessing elements from the queue:
String element = queue.take();
  1. Iterating over the elements in the queue:
for (String element : queue) {
    System.out.println("Element: " + element);
  1. Removing elements from the queue:
  1. Using the peek() method to get the next element in the queue without removing it:
String nextElement = queue.peek();
  1. Using the poll() method to get the next element in the queue and remove it:
String nextElement = queue.poll();

LinkedBlockingQueue is useful in situations where you want to implement a blocking queue with a high throughput and low latency, for example, in a producer-consumer scenario where multiple threads need to share data. The blocking behavior of the put() and take() methods ensures that threads are synchronized and waiting for each other, which can help to prevent contention and reduce the chances of deadlock.