JavaScript(JS) ES6
ES6 (ECMAScript 2015) is a version of JavaScript that introduced several new features and improvements to the language. Some of the key features introduced in ES6 include:
Arrow functions: A new syntax for creating functions with a shorter and more concise syntax.
Classes: A new way to define classes in JavaScript, making it easier to use object-oriented programming (OOP) concepts.
Let and const: Two new ways to declare variables that provide better scoping rules and help prevent common programming errors.
Template literals: A new way to create string literals with placeholders and expressions that can be evaluated at runtime.
Default function parameters: A new syntax for specifying default values for function parameters.
Destructuring assignment: A new syntax for extracting values from arrays and objects, making it easier to work with complex data structures.
Rest and spread operators: New syntax for working with arrays and objects, allowing you to easily pass an arbitrary number of arguments to functions.
Modules: A new way to organize and reuse code, allowing you to export and import code between different files and modules.
These are just a few of the key features introduced in ES6. Overall, ES6 has made JavaScript a more powerful and expressive language, making it easier to write complex and maintainable code. Since its release, newer versions of ECMAScript (such as ES7, ES8, etc.) have also been introduced, each introducing new features and improvements to the language.