SQL Insert Into


To insert data into a SQL table, you can use the INSERT INTO command. This command allows you to add new rows of data to an existing table.

Here is an example of how to use the INSERT INTO command:

INSERT INTO customers (name, email, phone)
VALUES ('John Smith', '[email protected]', '555-1234');

In this example, we are adding a new row to a table called customers. The name, email, and phone columns are specified in parentheses after the table name. The VALUES keyword is used to specify the data to be inserted. In this case, we are inserting the values 'John Smith', '[email protected]', and '555-1234' into the name, email, and phone columns, respectively.

You can insert multiple rows at once by specifying multiple sets of values separated by commas, like this:

INSERT INTO customers (name, email, phone)
VALUES ('John Smith', '[email protected]', '555-1234'),
       ('Jane Doe', '[email protected]', '555-5678'),
       ('Bob Johnson', '[email protected]', '555-9876');

This will insert three new rows into the customers table with the specified data.

It's important to ensure that the data being inserted is compatible with the data types of the columns in the table to avoid errors. If you are inserting data into all columns of a table in the order they were defined, you can use the simpler syntax INSERT INTO table_name VALUES (...);.