Java Logging LogManager


In the Java Logging API, the LogManager class is responsible for managing the logging system. The LogManager class is a singleton class that provides access to the root logger, as well as other loggers and handlers.

The LogManager class can be used to perform various logging-related tasks, such as configuring loggers, creating new loggers, and retrieving existing loggers.

Here is an example of how to retrieve the root logger using the LogManager class:

Logger logger = LogManager.getLogManager().getLogger("");

In this example, we call the static getLogManager() method to retrieve the LogManager singleton object. We then call the getLogger() method on the LogManager object, passing an empty string as the logger name. This returns the root logger.

You can also create new loggers using the LogManager class. Here is an example:

Logger logger = LogManager.getLogManager().getLogger("com.mycompany.mypackage.MyClass");

In this example, we call the getLogger() method on the LogManager object, passing the name of the new logger as a string. This creates a new logger with the specified name.

The LogManager class can also be used to configure the logging system using a configuration file. The configuration file is a text file that specifies the configuration of loggers, handlers, and formatters.

The default configuration file is named and is located in the lib directory of the Java installation. You can create your own configuration file and specify its location using the system property java.util.logging.config.file. For example, to specify a configuration file named, you would use the following command line option:

java MyApp

In the configuration file, you can specify the logging level for loggers, the handler for each logger, and the formatter for each handler, among other things. The format of the configuration file is described in the Java Logging API documentation.