CSS 左右浮动

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时间:2020-08-30 04:09:39  来源:igfitidea点击:

Float left and right


提问by Oldenborg

this problem has been bothering me for some time. So I have created some visual descriptions of my problem


First here is my HTML structure I have 6 divs.. the first 3 float left and the last 3 float right. The last image shows the result I want but can't seem to get. Can someone out there help me here

首先这里是我的 HTML 结构,我有 6 个 div.. 前 3 个向左浮动,最后 3 个向右浮动。最后一张图片显示了我想要但似乎无法得到的结果。有人可以在这里帮助我吗

EDIT// Sorry heres my HTML and CSS

编辑//对不起,我的 HTML 和 CSS

    .left { float:left; }
    .right { float:right; }
<div id="container">
   <div class="left"></div>
   <div class="left"></div>
   <div class="left"></div>
   <div class="right"></div>
   <div class="right"></div>
   <div class="right"></div>

NOTE: I Cant do a left right left right left right option because Im getting my data from PHP via a Query to my database.. first query goes left second query goes right.... thanks a bunch

注意:我不能做一个左右左右的选项,因为我通过查询从 PHP 获取我的数据到我的数据库......第一个查询向左第二个查询向右......谢谢一堆



This is a mocukup of my HTML structure

This is a mocukup of my HTML structure

My floats result in this


this is my current result

this is my current result

This is what I want


I want this

I want this

采纳答案by sandeep

You can use CSS3 column-countproperty for this. Write like this:

您可以column-count为此使用 CSS3属性。像这样写:

    -moz-column-count: 2;
    -moz-column-gap: 50%;
    -webkit-column-count: 2;
    -webkit-column-gap: 50%;
    column-count: 2;
    column-gap: 50%;
.parent div{

Check this http://jsfiddle.net/UaFFP/6/


回答by khaled_webdev

Float one left , one right, and give first the clear:both property

向左浮动一个,向右浮动一个,并首先给出 clear:both 属性

<div class="left clear"></div>
<div class="right"></div>
<div class="left clear"></div>
<div class="right"></div>



.left {float:left}
.right {float:right}
.clear {clear:both}



回答by Дамян Станчев

Add the first left div, then the first right div and after them add <br style="clear:both">and repeat the procedure.

添加第一个左侧 div,然后添加第一个右侧 div,然后添加<br style="clear:both">并重复该过程。

Edit: Here's an updated answer:


<div style="border:1px solid blue;float:right;height:100px;width:100px;clear:right;"></div>
<div style="border:1px solid red;float:left;height:100px;width:100px;clear:left;"></div>
<div style="border:1px solid blue;float:right;height:100px;width:100px;clear:right;"></div>
<div style="border:1px solid red;float:left;height:100px;width:100px;clear:left;"></div>
<div style="border:1px solid blue;float:right;height:100px;width:100px;clear:right;"></div>
<div style="border:1px solid red;float:left;height:100px;width:100px;clear:left;"></div>

回答by Tepken Vannkorn

Suppose you have another div in the middle of them. Then use this chronological order:

假设您在它们中间有另一个 div。然后使用这个时间顺序:

<div class="left"></div>
<div class="right"></div>
<div class="content"></div>

Or if you don't, just add another div that provide a style clear:bothto it.

或者,如果您不这样做,只需添加另一个为其提供样式的 div clear:both

回答by bdede

<style type="text/css">

.parent {width:50px; border:1px solid red;}

.left {float:left; }


.child{height:50px;width:50px;border:solid 1px green;margin:0 0 10px 0;}



<div class="left parent">
    <div class="child"></div>
    <div class="child"></div>
    <div class="child"></div>

<div class="right parent">
    <div class="child"></div>
    <div class="child"></div>
    <div class="child"></div>



Mind it would be odd not to have a central DIV, if that is a case float the parent DIVs left, at say widths of 20% 60% 20%.

请注意,没有中央 DIV 会很奇怪,如果是这种情况,父 DIV 会浮动,例如宽度为 20% 60% 20%。

回答by Vlad

column-countis already widely supported - http://caniuse.com/#feat=multicolumnSo if old browsers doesn't bother you consider using it.

column-count已经得到广泛支持 - http://caniuse.com/#feat=multicolumn所以如果旧浏览器不打扰你考虑使用它。

回答by Ricky Stam

Try this:


.leftcolums {
  float: left;

.rightcolums {
  float: right;

.clear {
  clear: both;
<div class="leftcolums">
  <div class="left">1</div>
  <div class="left">2</div>
  <div class="left">3</div>
<div class="rightcolums">
  <div class="right">4</div>
  <div class="right">5</div>
  <div class="right">6</div>
<div class="clear">7</div>

回答by Hymantheripper

Using the :nth-child selector and clearing after 2 divs:

使用 :nth-child 选择器并在 2 个 div 后清除:

?div {
    width: 50px;
    height: 50px;
    background-color: red;
    float: left;
div:nth-child(2n) {
    background-color: green;
    float: right;

Live example


Otherwise use this fairly hacky method, which requires no additional markup:


div {
    width: 50px;
    height: 50px;
    background-color: red;
    float: left;
div:nth-child(n) {
    clear: both;

div:nth-child(2n) {
    background-color: green;
    float: right;
    margin-top: -50px; //match this to the div height

? Live example

? 活生生的例子