CSS Sass - 将十六进制转换为 RGBa 以获得背景不透明度

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时间:2020-08-30 04:07:32  来源:igfitidea点击:

Sass - Converting Hex to RGBa for background opacity


提问by Rick Donohoe

I have the following Sass mixin, which is a half complete modification of an RGBa example:

我有以下 Sass mixin,这是对RGBa 示例的半完整修改:

@mixin background-opacity($color, $opacity: .3) {
    background: rgb(200, 54, 54); /* The Fallback */
    background: rgba(200, 54, 54, $opacity);

I have applied $opacityok, but now I am a stuck with the $colorpart. The colors I will be sending into the mixin will be HEX not RGB.

我已经申请$opacity好了,但现在我对这$color部分感到困惑。我将发送到 mixin 的颜色将是 HEX 而不是 RGB。

My example use will be:


element {
    @include background-opacity(#333, .5);

How can I use HEX values within this mixin?

如何在此 mixin 中使用 HEX 值?

回答by hopper

The rgba() functioncan accept a single hex color as well decimal RGB values. For example, this would work just fine:


@mixin background-opacity($color, $opacity: 0.3) {
    background: $color; /* The Fallback */
    background: rgba($color, $opacity);

element {
     @include background-opacity(#333, 0.5);

If you ever need to break the hex color into RGB components, though, you can use the red(), green(), and blue()functions to do so:

但是,如果您需要将十六进制颜色分解为 RGB 分量,则可以使用red()green()blue()函数来执行此操作:

$red: red($color);
$green: green($color);
$blue: blue($color);

background: rgb($red, $green, $blue); /* same as using "background: $color" */

回答by user3631047

There is a builtin mixin: transparentize($color, $amount);

有一个内置的mixin: transparentize($color, $amount);

background-color: transparentize(#F05353, .3);

The amount should be between 0 to 1;

数量应在 0 到 1 之间;

Official Sass Documentation (Module: Sass::Script::Functions)

Sass 官方文档(模块:Sass::Script::Functions)

回答by Reggie Pinkham

SASS has a built-in rgba() functionto evaluate values.

SASS 有一个内置的rgba() 函数来计算值。

rgba($color, $alpha)



rgba(#00aaff, 0.5) => rgba(0, 170, 255, 0.5)

An example using your own variables:


$my-color: #00aaff;
$my-opacity: 0.5;

.my-element {
  color: rgba($my-color, $my-opacity);



.my-element {
  color: rgba(0, 170, 255, 0.5);

回答by m.Elouafi

you can try this solution, is the best... url(github)

你可以试试这个解决方案,是最好的... url( github)

// Transparent Background
// From: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6902944/sass-mixin-for-background-transparency-back-to-ie8

// Extend this class to save bytes
.transparent-background {
  background-color: transparent;
  zoom: 1;

// The mixin
@mixin transparent($color, $alpha) {
  $rgba: rgba($color, $alpha);
  $ie-hex-str: ie-hex-str($rgba);
  @extend .transparent-background;
  background-color: $rgba;

// Loop through opacities from 90 to 10 on an alpha scale
@mixin transparent-shades($name, $color) {
  @each $alpha in 90, 80, 70, 60, 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 {
    .#{$name}-#{$alpha} {
      @include transparent($color, $alpha / 100);

// Generate semi-transparent backgrounds for the colors we want
@include transparent-shades('dark', #000000);
@include transparent-shades('light', #ffffff);

回答by Vojtech

If you need to mix colour from variable and alpha transparency, and with solutions that include rgba()function you get an error like

如果您需要从变量和 alpha 透明度混合颜色,并且使用包含rgba()函数的解决方案,您会收到类似的错误

      background-color: rgba(#{$color}, 0.3);
      $color: #002366 is not a color.
   │       background-color: rgba(#{$color}, 0.3);
   │                         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Something like this might be useful.


$meeting-room-colors: (
  Neumann: '#002366',
  Turing: '#FF0000',
  Lovelace: '#00BFFF',
  Shared: '#00FF00',
  Chilling: '#FF1493',
$color-alpha: EE;

@each $name, $color in $meeting-room-colors {

  .#{$name} {

     background-color: #{$color}#{$color-alpha};

