
时间:2020-02-23 14:34:44  来源:igfitidea点击:



Java提供各种原始数据类型,如 intlong, 和 double但是,这些数据类型无法处理非常大的数字,并将溢出导致程序中的问题。 BigInteger在Java中引入了处理非常大的整数,此类提供所有Java原语整数运算符和所需的Java方法。

lang.math. BigInteger可以处理非常大的整数,并且仅受JVM中可用内存的限制。


package org.arpit.theitroad;
import java.math.BigInteger;
public class FactorialMain {
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		long l=factorial(40);
		System.out.println("Factorial of 40 (Long): "+l);
		BigInteger b1=factorialBigInteger(40);
		System.out.println("Factorial of 40 (BigInteger): "+b1);
	static long factorial(int n) 
        int res = 1, i; 
        for (i=2; i<=n; i++) 
            res *= i; 
        return res; 
	static BigInteger factorialBigInteger(int n) 
        BigInteger res = BigInteger.ONE;
        int i; 
        for (i=2; i<=n; i++) 
            res = res.multiply(BigInteger.valueOf(i)); 
        return res; 

正如我们所看到的,我已经写了两个版本的阶乘计算。 factorial()返回长度谁 factorialBigInteger()返回Biginteger。


Factorial of 40 (Long): 0
Factorial of 40 (BigInteger): 815915283247897734345611269596115894272000000000

正如你可以清楚地看到的那样, BigInteger能够处理40的因子,而 long由于溢出问题而没有给出正确的结果。



BigInteger is an immutable arbitrary-precision integer.


你可以创建 BigInteger来自字节数组或者字符串。

package org.arpit.theitroad;
import java.math.BigInteger;
public class BigIntegerMain{
	public static void main(String args[])
		 BigInteger bigIntegerStr = new BigInteger("1357986420123456789");
	    BigInteger bigIntegerByteArray = new BigInteger(
	       new byte[] { 32, 32, 32, 32 });
	    BigInteger bigIntegerSigned = new BigInteger(-1,
	       new byte[] { 32, 32, 32, 32  });
	    System.out.println("bigIntegerStr: "+ bigIntegerStr);
	    System.out.println("bigIntegerByteArray: "+bigIntegerByteArray);
	    System.out.println("bigIntegerSigned: "+bigIntegerSigned);	 

我们也可以使用构造函数将其他基数字符串转换为BigInteger BigInteger(String val, int radix)

package org.arpit.theitroad;
import java.math.BigInteger;
public class BigIntegerMain{
	public static void main(String args[])
		String hexaDecimalStr = "28A";
		BigInteger bigIntegerStr = new BigInteger(hexaDecimalStr,16);
	   System.out.println("BigInteger for hexaDecimal 28A: "+ bigIntegerStr);	 


我们可以用 compareTo()比较两个BIGINTEGERS的方法。 BigInteger返回0,1或者-1.


package org.arpit.theitroad;
import java.math.BigInteger;
public class BigIntegerCompareToMain{
	public static void main(String args[])
		BigInteger b1=new BigInteger("10");
		BigInteger b2=new BigInteger("20");
		BigInteger b3=new BigInteger("10");
		System.out.println("comparing b1 and b2: "+b1.compareTo(b2));
		System.out.println("comparing b1 and b3: "+b1.compareTo(b3));
		System.out.println("comparing b2 and b3: "+b2.compareTo(b3));



你也可以使用 equals方法也想检查BigInteger平等。

System.out.println("comparing b1 and b2: "+b1.equals(b2));
		System.out.println("comparing b1 and b3: "+b1.equals(b3));
		System.out.println("comparing b2 and b3: "+b2.equals(b3));


comparing b1 and b2: false
comparing b1 and b3: true
comparing b2 and b3: false


package org.arpit.theitroad;
import java.math.BigInteger;
public class BigIntegerConstantsMain{
	public static void main(String args[])
		BigInteger b1=new BigInteger("0");
		BigInteger b2=new BigInteger("1");
		BigInteger b3=new BigInteger("10");
		System.out.println("comparing b1 to 0: "+b1.equals(BigInteger.ZERO));
		System.out.println("comparing b2 to 1: "+b2.equals(BigInteger.ONE));
		System.out.println("comparing b3 to 10: "+b3.equals(BigInteger.TEN));


我们需要使用方法而不是操作 BigInteger

package org.arpit.theitroad;
import java.math.BigInteger;
public class BigIntegerBitOperationsMain{
	public static void main(String args[])
		 BigInteger b1=new BigInteger("100");
		 BigInteger b2=new BigInteger("200");
		//b1 and b2
		 BigInteger and = b1.and(b2);
		//b1 or b2
	    BigInteger or = b1.or(b2);
	    //b1 xor b2
	    BigInteger xor = b1.xor(b2);
	    //not b1
	    BigInteger not = b1.not();
	    //b1 andnot b2
	    BigInteger andNot = b1.andNot(b2);
	    //will shift bits left by 1 which means multiply by 2
	    BigInteger shiftLeft = b1.shiftLeft(1);
	    //will shift bits right by 1 which means divide by 2
	    BigInteger shiftRight = b1.shiftRight(1);
	    //bitCount counts all the set bits for example:'1'
	    int bitCount = b1.bitCount();
	    //bitLength counts all the bits
		 int bitLength = b1.bitLength();
		//Find position of first set bit for example:'1'
		 int getLowestSetBit = b1.getLowestSetBit();
		//Will check set bit at position 2
		 boolean testBit2 = b1.testBit(2);
		//Will set bit at positon 3
		 BigInteger setBit3 = b1.setBit(3);
		//Will flip bit at position 3
		 BigInteger flipBit3 = b1.flipBit(3);
		//Will clear bit at postion 2
		 BigInteger clearBit2 = b1.clearBit(2);
	    System.out.println("Binary presentation of b1: "+ Integer.toBinaryString(new Integer(b1.toString())));
		 System.out.println("b1 and b2: "+and);
		 System.out.println("b1 or b2: "+or);
		 System.out.println("b1 xor b2: "+xor);
		 System.out.println("b1 not: "+not);
		 System.out.println("b1 andNot b2: "+andNot);
		 System.out.println("b1 shiftLeft: "+shiftLeft);
		 System.out.println("b1 shitfRight: "+shiftRight);
		 System.out.println("b1 bitcount: "+bitCount);
		 System.out.println("b1 bitLength: "+bitLength);
		 System.out.println("b1 getLowestSetBit: "+getLowestSetBit);
		 System.out.println("b1 testBit2: "+testBit2);
		 System.out.println("b1 setBit3: "+setBit3);
		 System.out.println("b1 flipBit3: "+flipBit3);
		 System.out.println("b1 clearBit2: "+clearBit2);



package org.arpit.theitroad;
import java.math.BigInteger;
public class BigDecimalMiscMain {
	public static void main(String args[])
		BigInteger b1=new BigInteger("10");
		BigInteger b2=new BigInteger("20");
		BigInteger b3=new BigInteger("-10");
		System.out.println("Min between b1 and b2: "+b1.min(b2));
		System.out.println("max between b1 and b2: "+b1.max(b2));
		System.out.println("10 to the pow 3: "+b1.pow(3));
		System.out.println("Abosolute value of b3: "+b3.abs());
		//Signum method helps to identify is 
		//BigInteger is negative, positive or zero
		System.out.println("Signum for b1: "+b1.signum());		



package org.arpit.theitroad;
import java.math.BigInteger;
public class BigDecimalGCDModMain {
	public static void main(String args[])
		BigInteger b1=new BigInteger("55");
		BigInteger b2=new BigInteger("20");
		BigInteger b3=new BigInteger("4");
		System.out.println("GCD b1 and b2: "+b1.gcd(b2));
		System.out.println("mod b1 and b3: "+b1.mod(b3));


GCD b1 and b2: 5
mod b1 and b3: 3



package org.arpit.theitroad;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.Random;
public class BigDecimalMiscMain {
	public static void main(String args[])
		BigInteger pp = BigInteger.probablePrime(10, new Random());
		System.out.println("probable prime: "+pp);