SQL Server Date Function CONVERT()


The CONVERT() function in SQL Server is used to convert a value from one data type to another. When it comes to working with dates and times, it can also be used to convert between different date and time formats.

The syntax of the CONVERT() function for date and time conversion is as follows:

CONVERT(target_data_type, expression, style)

Here's an example of how to use the CONVERT() function in a SQL query to convert a date string in the format "YYYY-MM-DD" to the format "MM/DD/YYYY":

SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), '2022-02-28', 101);

This query will return the string value "02/28/2022", which is the date in the desired format.

In this example, the target_data_type is VARCHAR(10) since we are converting the date to a string. The expression is the date string we want to convert. The style is the format we want to convert the date to, represented by a style code. In this case, the style code "101" represents the format "MM/DD/YYYY".

Note that the style codes used in the CONVERT() function are specific to SQL Server and may vary for other database management systems. Additionally, when converting between different date and time formats, it's important to ensure that the data is correctly interpreted to avoid errors or unexpected results.