perl function references


In Perl, you can create references to subroutines, just like you can create references to arrays, hashes, and other variables. A reference to a subroutine is a scalar value that points to the memory location of the subroutine code.

To create a reference to a subroutine, you can use the backslash (\) operator followed by the name of the subroutine, like this:

sub greet {
    my $name = shift;
    print "Hello, $name!\n";

my $greet_ref = \&greet;

In this example, a reference to the greet subroutine is created using the \&greet syntax, and assigned to the scalar variable $greet_ref.

To call a subroutine using a reference, you can use the &{$ref} syntax, where $ref is the reference to the subroutine. Here's an example:


In this example, the &{$greet_ref} syntax is used to call the greet subroutine using the reference $greet_ref. The argument "John" is passed to the subroutine, which prints the message "Hello, John!" to the screen.

You can also use the arrow (->) operator to call a subroutine using a reference, like this:


In this example, the arrow (->) operator is used to call the greet subroutine using the reference $greet_ref. The argument "John" is passed to the subroutine, which prints the message "Hello, John!" to the screen.

Function references can be passed as arguments to other functions or subroutines, just like any other scalar value. This allows you to create more flexible and modular code. For example, you can pass a reference to a function that sorts an array to another function that takes an array as an argument, like this:

sub sort_array {
    my ($array_ref, $sort_func) = @_;
    @$array_ref = $sort_func->(@$array_ref);

sub compare_strings {
    return lc($a) cmp lc($b);

my @words = qw(apple Banana cherry);
sort_array(\@words, \&compare_strings);
print join(", ", @words), "\n";

In this example, the sort_array function takes two arguments: a reference to an array and a reference to a sorting function. The $sort_func->(@$array_ref) expression calls the sorting function with the array as an argument, and returns the sorted array. The sorted array is then assigned back to the original array using @$array_ref = .... The compare_strings function is defined to be case-insensitive, and is passed as the sorting function to the sort_array function. The print statement then prints the sorted array: "apple, Banana, cherry".